Free Drop Test
WAN-YO provides free & customized drop tests for each customer’s product to choose the correct model of shock indicator.
4-6 Chances to drop down during shipment
Enterprises usually consider the external impacts during product design, production or packaging.
However, in the process of transportation, you package could experience shocks, drops, dumps, or tumbling, which causes serious damage to the product.
Free drop test
The drop test helps simulate a package in transit. When the product package is dropped during transportation, it is used to measure the damage of the product package caused by improper handling.
Use our free sample and perform drop tests to find a suitable G value shock indicator model for your shipment. The free test includes a 360 damage degree as well the activation height.
Which model of shock indicator should I choose?
WAN-YO introduced the standard drop test machine, Kinton KD-128A, from SGS lab, which enable to do various accurate tests for our customers.
With the multiple experimental data, WAN-YO will assist you to choose the correct model of shock indicator. If you wish to experiment and test on your own, you can request free samples from us.
Feel free to let us know if you have any questions.
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