Packaging Solution
WAN-YO provides free professional packaging solution consultation especially for products damaged during transportation.
6% of the goods
may be damaged
during transportation
According to a study by the American Packaging Association, the probability of a shipment from the beginning to the end of delivery is 4 to 6 times more likely to be damaged from a height of 80 cm, and 6% of the goods may directly or indirectly cause damage to the goods.
The main reasons for damages are vibration caused by road or sea transportation, collisions caused by stacked goods and Improper handling by transporters.
How You get the best solution?
.Understand situations you currently face
.Take packaging defects into consideration
.Propose the best method for you
What we do
Provide free samples and prompt online consultant during testing build → issue solved
Our Packaging Solution
Free Consultant, Free Samples and Free Shipping Provided!
70% of new customers solve the delivery damage after testing samples and implementation.
Feel free to let us know if you have any questions.
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