“Are there any patent problems with Impact Label produced by WAN-YO?” buyers sometimes ask. The answer is “NO.” As for how come, let’s start with the regulation.
Is the patent of impact indicator still valid?
After 20 years, patents generally make the details of new technology publicly available, for exploitation by anyone after the patent expires, or for further improvement by other inventors.
Source: Patent – Wikipedia
The patent of impact indicator was in 1976. after 20 years i.e. the patent has expired in 1996. Without the barrier, people can produce and sell freely. For example, mobiles or TVs, manufacturers can produce and benefit from its sales after patent expiry.
As of 2021, only a few manufacturers have the capacity to produce shock indicators in the world.
Impact Label Patents
The raw materials and production technology of Impact Label are quite different from other brands. WAN-YO’s technology was certificated by patent in 2014.
We also have over 12 certified patents and lawyer declarations.
How About Importing Your Goods To Our Country?
The earliest patent of the impact indicator is expiry as we mentioned at the beginning. Infringement became a pointless issue that is considered natural.
Moreover, WAN-YO has been producing Impact Label and Leaning Label for over 10 years. Our agents and distributors are distributed in over 50 countries in the world. No problems with patents and trademarks.
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How To Prove A【Qualified Shock Indicator】? Certificates indicate a company’s level of excellence in a specific field. It sets a higher precedence for excellence and demonstrates to costumers what they can expect… |
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